5th February 2022

Frederiksbjerg School, Aarhus, Denmark. Designed by Henning Larsen

Dear colleague, 2021 has brought us another year of pandemic challenges. The A4LE European Leadership Team recognised that our range of workshops and Learning Spaces Live events could not continue as was planned. A number of our activities were also curtailed as many members also experienced personal and organisational resource constraints.    We have continued to update you with information on the A4le International virtual conferences and your on-line copy of the Planning Learning Spaces Magazines. We have sent out printed copies of the Autumn 2021 PLS magazine, but we are aware that some colleagues have not received this edition. Please see below:

We also include the latest Spring Edition of the magazine:

Printed copies of this will be sent to you over the next week. We recognise that online forums have been invaluable to share information over the recent year and the leadership team have used this opportunity to develop some new initiatives during 2021 for A4le Europe ready for 2022.

We recognise that the strength of bringing colleagues together in multi-disciplinary teams across Europe to focus on the future design of learning spaces in a rapidly changing education system is now more important than ever. We now feel we are ready to move forward for 2022 and will be informing you of our activities over the coming month.

We are pleased to announce that we will be working in partnership with The Cambridge Centre for Learning Space Innovation in Cambridge, England. The centre will be a forum to support and advance excellence, innovation and wellbeing in school design. It will act as a knowledge hub and a base for A4le Europe and provide an additional venue for A4LE and members events in the UK.

Our address for all correspondence:
A4LE Europe. Newnham Mill, Newnham Rd, Cambridge CB3 9EY

GLOBAL RESEARCH CONSORTIUMThe Future of Learning Space Design

The University of Melbourne approached A4LE Europe in 2021 to join global research

consortium to identify and research next practice in global learning space design. This work follows on from the completion of the successful Innovative Learning Environments and Teacher Change Project completed in 2020 http://www.iletc.com.au/. A4le Europe and its members supported this project and hosted events throughout the project lifespan. 

We were pleased with the response that the Leadership Team received from the requests to members sent out to request support and resource this first truly international project.

There are 19 International Teams involved in the project. The Association for Learning Environments Europe has established an Action Research Team to facilitate its approach to the project and promote knowledge sharing with all a4le European members in 2022.Our team is distinctive because it draws upon the range of multidisciplinary membership representing all those who are involved in the work of A4LE Europe.

Our organisational approach for the A4LE Action Research Team is made up of a Core Group and Advisory Team. These teams will work together to develop and disseminate the international project to all of our European Membership.

Core Team: Alastair Blythe, UOW, Michal Cohen, Walters and Cohen. Lene Jensby Lange, Autens, Terry White,A4le.

Advisory Team: Joss Boyes, UCL, Emma Greenland, Anderson Acoutics, Sandra Jenkins, Autens, Peter Kristiansen, SWECO, Bhavini Padya, Gratnells, Gary Spracklen, Prince of Wales School

For full A4LE PDF flyer please see below


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